
Why am I unfulfilled? 
Am I in the right place?
Why do I feel so stuck? 
What comes next?

Do you ever wonder:

I'm ready to feel amazing!

Because I've been in your shoes. I have felt stuck and misunderstood. I have lived with a deep sense of unfulfillment.  I have hit rock bottom, and kept falling. I have burned out in spectacular style, quitting my job and blowing up my life in one fell swoop.

But then I found Human Design, and it all made sense. It was one of those light bulb moments, where past events in my life were given a different perspective. The more I learned about Human Design, the more I understood myself. I was able to finally have that self-compassion and fulfillment I had been chasing my whole life.

Now my life is one of purpose and joy. Of course the journey is one of both ups and downs, but the sense of freedom I have gained has been transformative. I have stepped into my true self, and it feels amazing!

I can totally relate...

Find greater joy, love and freedom in your life

Yes, sign me up!

Human Design X Signature Coaching is a structured 1:1 coaching program, designed to help you become more aligned with your authentic self & step into your power and potential.

I'm ready, let's do this!

Today I help women find and explore their true authentic selves through a mindful exploration of their Human Design. 

The study of the self is among the greatest work you can do. It will improve your career, your relationships, your health and your happiness. 

With Signature Coaching, you don’t have to do it alone – I’ll be there every step of the way. Together we’ll help you discover your authentic self, your purpose, and re-acquaint you with true joy. 

january 2022 to today

I discovered Human Design a few months into my journey of healing. I pulled my chart on a whim, not expecting anything - but the incredible answers it held were a welcome surprise. Even the most basic aspects of my design were inspiring.

I spent the next weeks and months learning everything I could about my specific chart. I began to unlearn the behaviors I was conditioned to believe were right and started practicing self-compassion. I experienced healing and growth that gave me the energy and motivation to get back on my feet and make further changes in my life. 

I created routines for greater productivity and awareness of needs. I built my career and lifestyle around the values that were most meaningful to me. I sought like-minded souls to help me further my journey.

And I realized I am never more happy or more complete than when I’m living in alignment with my authentic self. 

september 2021

My intuition was telling me I needed a life change… but my fear held me back from making that leap. 

Fear of failure and fear of the future.

Then one Sunday morning in June I woke up and knew with crystal clarity it was time to change. 

Immediately, the muscles in my neck and chest relaxed. The tension and stress was gone. I breathed with a lightness I hadn’t felt in years. 

The next day I called my boss and gave my two weeks notice. 

For once in my life, I had no to-do list. No obligations. No schedule. 

And for the next 3 months, I devoted myself to healing.

june 2021

Sitting in an office chair, my fancy degree framed on the wall, living the life I always thought I wanted.

But the sad truth was my life was… meh: 

Wake up - tired. Rush to get to work on time. Work hard. Get home - still tired. Eat a sad little meal. Numb out in front of the TV. Fall asleep. 


I’d completely lost myself, my life, my energy in work. It seemed like everyone else was making the 9-5 work… 

But I felt stuck, tired, and unhappy. 14 years of corporate work had taken a toll on my health, both physically and mentally. 

march 2021

Yes, sign me up!

when you stop craving other’s approval, you create space for your own dreams, desires, and destiny to take shape

realize your dreams

a powerful sense of freedom comes when viewing life through a lens of gratitude, transparency & awareness 

live more freely

living in alignment with your design enables a huge release of pressure & helps you feel joy, despite challenges

release stress

greater understanding & self-compassion can help you have healthier relationships with yourself and others 

heal relationships

You're about to...

I want in!

Our Foundational Reading Package is designed to help you learn about yourself, find clarity on your purpose, and define your life’s direction & next steps.

Unlike life coaching, my recommendations are not based on ‘best practices’, other people’s experiences, or what works for me. Human Design X Signature Coaching sessions are completely tailored to your specific needs and design. 

Before we begin our first session, I’ll pull your chart, which takes into account 4 ancient wisdoms, quantum physics & your ancestry. This will provide us with greater context around your personality, energy, strengths, opportunities & more. 

This includes:

Throughout our journey together, we’ll uncover more of what makes you YOU, and ways you can adjust your energy, mindset, routines and environment to get the most out of your life. 

Our Foundational Reading Package is designed to help you learn about yourself, find clarity on your purpose, and define your life’s direction & next steps.

Unlike life coaching, my recommendations are not based on ‘best practices’, other people’s experiences, or what works for me. Human Design X Signature Coaching sessions are completely tailored to your specific needs and design. 

Before we begin our first session, I’ll pull your chart, which takes into account 4 ancient wisdoms, quantum physics & your ancestry. This will provide us with greater context around your personality, energy, strengths, opportunities & more. 

This includes:

Throughout our journey together, we’ll uncover more of what makes you YOU, and ways you can adjust your energy, mindset, routines and environment to get the most out of your life. 
- Your unique Energy Type & Strategy 
- What all this means for you, & how you can live in alignment with your design

How It Works:

I can't wait for you to meet her!


Your authentic self is 

Yes, sign me up!

This will be 90 minutes of discovery. As we dive into the meaning of your Human Design, you’ll learn about your innate strengths, how you interact with the world, how you make decisions, aspects of your personality and your life's purpose. 

- Your Chart
- Overarching Blueprint 
- How You Interact 
- How You Make Decisions
- Personality Profile
- Your Life’s Purpose


Discovering Your Energy Type, Authority, Profile & more

Live Session:

Don’t have a clue what gates or channels mean? I didn’t either! So before we even get started on our 6 week exploration, we’ll go over all the basics of Human Design, including how to read your chart and what each of the symbols and terms mean. I’ll provide you with a resource guide with the foundations and tools needed to get the most out of our coaching. 

- Human Design Basics 
- What Symbols & Terms Mean
- Resource Guide PDF 




What to Expect

join now









About Human Design: An Introduction PDF & video:
Foundational Report:
*BONUS* personalized tools:
1.5 hours of 1:1 coaching:


Foundational Package

Human Design Coaching

Schedule Here

Schedule a Discovery Call with me to better understand how Human Design can transform your life. You can ask me all the questions you have, and as a bonus - I'll explain your Energy Type!

Still not sure?

that making a consistent effort to be authentic will do. Living with an intention towards honesty and self-discovery will energize your soul and bring an abundance of genuine happiness into your life. 

Consider the possibilities...

but takes hours to interpret, 
weeks to learn, 
& years to align with. 

Your Human Design chart takes seconds to pull 

Ready to transform your life?

sign up now!

designed by Elizabeth McCravy - LOVE THIS DESIGN? CLICK HERE TO GET YOUR OWN!

photography by lori cardwell