hi love!

I'm Carolyn

i'm here to help you uplevel your life

I've been there too... successful but unhappy, knowing I needed to make a change but unsure of how to do it. And then one day it came to me with full clarity: it was time to make the change. I found the courage, made a plan, quit my job, and started on the hard but exciting journey of finding my true purpose and building my best life.

There is so much more to life than this...

I know this from personal experience

I grew up in Los Angeles, but by age 18 I knew I needed to leave my bubble and explore the world. I went to Indiana for college, and quickly learned what it meant to be independent. Junior year I spent a semester in London, and fell in love with learning new things. After graduation, I went to work for Hormel Foods, and moved several times as I was promoted up the corporate ladder. Seven years later, I made the decision to transition to Tom's of Maine. I enjoyed the people I worked with, and I was great at what I did. But work demands kept getting stronger. I kept at it, partly for fear of change and partly out of sheer determination. Then the pandemic hit, and everything changed. By 2021 I was done - it was time for change. I took the leap and and left my job, with a solid plan in place that would lead to my next step.

I knew I needed to walk away from the stress of corporate life and heal from burnout. I knew there was so much more to life than the daily grind. I immediately jumped into a journey of self-discovery, soaking up as much knowledge as possible. I started down the path of manifestation - learning how my mindset and thoughts determine my reality. I committed to therapy, meditation and healing myself in holistic ways. And I discovered Human Design - the art and science of how we are created. Through my learnings, I realized my true purpose: to help other women discover their own purpose and strengths in order to navigate change. I am passionate about creating a world of abundance and alignment - a place of joy, love and freedom. I know this is possible, and I know I can help. Contact me to find out how I can help you too!

"Anything you can imagine, you can create."

words i live by

— oprah

Think we're a match? I'm ready when you are!

Contact me directly or go ahead and book a Discovery Call! I can't wait to get to know you :)



designed by Elizabeth McCravy - LOVE THIS DESIGN? CLICK HERE TO GET YOUR OWN!

photography by lori cardwell